Friday, January 23, 2015

Technology at its finest!!!!

Technology Technology Technology!!!!!

How fortunate we are here at AVC, the technology department just installed new touch screen computers in our upstairs computer lab. The new and improved lab is amazing and students and teachers are thrilled about the new addition. When walking in the hallways, you can hear the students talking about the computers and how "cool" they are. 
One thing about this district, our students have the latest and greatest technology at their finger tips on a daily basis. We charge our teachers with integrating technology throughout their curriculum.
I would like to ask the question to you out there..... "What is your thoughts about using technology in the classroom? Do you feel it is important for our students to use technology?" Please share your thoughts about technology. 

Monday, January 5, 2015

Happy New Year

With the start of the New Year, comes new years resolutions. As educators, students or parents of students we can look at resolutions that will help either ourselves in the education field or students in the classroom. We have in our district, committed ourselves to incorporating technology with in the curriculum. With that being said, there is a lot of discussion of how and when to incorporate technology. I think we should be able to agree to a new years resolution of incorporating at least some form of technology within each unit of study in the classroom. As research has shown, engaging students means students are learning. So, I would like to ask the question, how would you engage students with technology in the classroom? What are some things that have been done and maybe somethings that you are wanting to do, but need some more information or assistance on?  If you have some ideas and pictures of things that have worked please comment using that information so we can share with each other and collaborate!!